Cut off date for membership and extra moonpies is 2/3/25!
What is special about the MLMP parade?
Our traditional Marching Brass Bands, Flambeaux, original MoonPie throws, and handmade carts and costumes!
Cut off date for members or moonpies 2/3/25!
Questions?, call Cap'n Tom

Join a Sub-Krewe
We have various sub-krewes with different themes. Call Cap'n Tom to request being a MoonPie, flambeaux, pounder, or a marcher in an existing sub-krewe. 404-401-9966; monalisamoonpie@gmail.com
See details below.

Create a Sub-Krewe
Gather your family and friends, come up with your own sub-theme interpreting our yearly theme in your own way. Then decorate a wagon, grocery cart or any push/pull float which will display your sub-theme and hold your throws and libations. To learn more, see below or call Cap'n Tom at 404-401-9966; monalisamoonpie@gmail.com

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Sub-krewe Options
Be a Flambeau for Free
Join the Krewe of MoonPies.
We help with the easy MoonPie costume design! You may decorate a wagon or cart to hold your MoonPies & libations (or not). We throw NO BEADS, nor MoonPie knock-offs please! Please call Cap'n Tom for more info 404-401-9966.
Be a Flambeaux (or a NEW MoonPie Pounder see below) for free! We provide the equipment for Flambeaux. All you need is a belt, dew rag or headdress and toga. We throw NO BEADS nor MoonPie knock-offs please! Please call Cap'n Tom for more info.
Moon Pie Pounders- Do you find your fingers tapping the steering wheel to the beat of the radio? Pounders will be like a drum line, but with pot lids, sticks, or real instruments. Let's make some noise! 404-401-9966
Join an existing krewe of someone you know, or call Tom Collins 404-401-9966 for krewes accepting members. We throw NO BEADS nor MoonPie knock-offs please!
Create you own krewe with your own peeps by selecting a theme not already reserved. Reserving themes requires one Membership or Marcher Fee or a Deposit of $50 to be applied to Fee. You will need a Sub-Krewe Captain to message the members as you plan. We throw NO BEADS nor MoonPie knock-offs. please!
Sponsor us! Please click on Sponsors tab for details. Our HERO level gets to add their own sub-krewe to our parade for free! Please call Cap'n Tom for VIP service! 404-401-9966